Most popular size to be engraved with inkfilling is 1/2 Inch debossed inkfilled wristbands. Remembering the Livestrong Bands, 1/2 Inch wristbands are at the same size of Livestrong bands. We make this size for 3 different targets. You can choose it for children, youth and adult which respectively are 160 mm, 180 mm and 202 mm in length. Debossed Inkfilled Wristbands, Classical debossed wristband gets a trendy and attractive look when it is ink filled. Your message in engraved fonts gets color fill in this genre. Ink filled debossed wristband is a great one for giving your message an added mileage. We can fill your wristbands texts in any color you imagine. Now you even can use your chosen color for consistency along with your brand color or the event theme.